Our face is our region, which provides our first contact with the outside world, almost our showcase. We create the first impression of the other person with our facial structure and expressions. Our nose is our most important organ in this region. There are all kinds of nose structures. A thousand and one species named with names such as big, small, upturned, crooked, crow, and hook. The method used by people who do not like the shape of the nose and therefore have social or psychological problems is rhinoplasty surgery.
What is Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
Rhinoplasty is the name given to the procedure and the surgery performed to correct these problems of people who are not satisfied with the shape of the nose. Aesthetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) or nose reshaping surgery is the most common plastic surgery surgery. Aesthetic nose surgery can make your nose smaller or larger, change the shape of the tip or arch of your nose, narrow the width of your nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and upper lip. It can also correct a congenital or injury-related deformity or relieve some breathing problems.
When is aesthetic nose surgery useful? How is it done? And what can you expect as a result? If you are interested in aesthetic nose surgery, this page may not answer all your questions. For this reason, please contact us about anything you want to ask.
The Most Suitable Cases for Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can improve your external appearance and increase your self-confidence. However, this does not mean that the surgery will change your appearance to match the face you imagine and that other people will treat you differently after the surgery. Before deciding on the surgery, ask yourself why you want to have surgery and what you expect from this surgery, think carefully and discuss these with your surgeon. The most suitable patients for aesthetic nose surgery are not those who seek perfection, but those who expect a beautification and improvement in their external appearance.
Many surgeons prefer to postpone surgery until adolescents have completed their development. This waiting period is around 14-15 years old for young girls and a little later for boys. It is important to consider the social and spiritual adaptation of young people in order to make sure that the decision for surgery is a decision that he himself wants to implement, not the family.
The main reason for nasal aesthetics treatment is because of individuals being unsatisfied about the natural shape of the nose. Additionally, people resort to treatment due to unfortune trauma or change in shape to the nose due to an accident.
Innate problems
In some societies and families, the nose shape is not genetically beautiful. In fact, although the concept of beauty is relative, an understanding of beauty accepted by the age and society makes people make this decision. Since our country has been on migration routes for ages, we encounter many different nose types as a result of the mixing of societies. Therefore, the number of people who complain about their noses is quite high.
The most important reasons that later deteriorate the shape of the nose are accidents and traumas. Especially in childhood falls and bumps, the broken nose is not intervened in time, so the development of the nose is worse than it should be. This occurs in the form of both shape and healthy breathing dysfunction. The most important reasons that later deteriorate the shape of the nose are accidents and traumas.
Especially in childhood falls and bumps, the broken nose is not intervened in time, so the development of the nose is worse than it should be. This occurs in the form of both shape and healthy breathing dysfunction. Accidents and traumas in adulthood can also disrupt the shape of the nose. We observe this a lot, especially in those who are engaged in sports such as boxing.
Also, although rare, nasal tumors and the operations performed for them cause deformation of the nose and therefore the need for nasal aesthetics.
Our General Principles
To perform a rhinoplasty operation that is in harmony with the facial features of the person and is not understood when it looks aesthetic. (except for the patient group who want to be aesthetic). The majority want it to be clear that they have a rhinoplasty surgery. The patients who have applied to me already know that I prefer natural nose, so they set out with me.
To work without damaging the main roof of the nose, not to take tissues that are not necessary, to correct them by shaping. I see some surgeries, the roof of the nose is collapsed, the nostrils are too narrow or too wide, etc. Our aim is primarily not to cause anything worse than the existing structure.
Maintaining breathing function. Our primary goal in all aesthetic surgeries is to beautify the person without harming them. Health is not something that can be sacrificed for beauty. I pay attention to this most during rhinoplasty surgery.
Main structures we evaluate before nose surgery
- The angle between the tip of the nose and the lip (90 degrees for men and 110 degrees for women is aesthetically preferred.)
- Nasal tip width, location, symmetry and size of the cartilages
- Whether there is a hump structure (hump), which is composed of bone and cartilage, which is obvious when looking at the nose from the side.
- Nose width
- Angle of the nose with the forehead
- Breathing function needs to be evaluated separately for both nostrils.
Planning Your Surgery
Good communication between you and your doctor is essential and very important. At this point, we will accompany you continuously and organize online meetings with your surgeon when necessary. At the first meeting, the surgeon will ask you what you want your nose to look like or what you want it to look like; He will examine the structure of your nose and face and explain the possibilities that are possible for you. The structure of your nasal bones and cartilages, the shape of your face, the thickness of your skin, your age and your expectations are the main topics of discussion.
Your surgeon will explain the anesthesia and surgery technique he will use, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, the risks, costs and other options, if any. Even if it was many years ago, you should be sure to tell your surgeon about any previous nose surgery or nasal treatment, any allergies or breathing difficulties, any medications you use, and if you smoke, to your surgeon. In particular, do not hesitate to ask your surgeon any questions you may have about your expectations about the surgery and the results of the surgery.
Surgery Preparation
We will provide you with information on how to prepare for surgery, including eating and drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications, and washing your face. Fulfilling this information will help your surgery to be more comfortable.
Place of Your Surgery
Aesthetic nose surgeries are performed in our fully contracted hospital. Most of the time, it does not require hospitalization, but for complex or complicated procedures, a 1-day stay is required.
Anesthesia Type To Be Given
Aesthetic nose surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia. In local anesthesia, a mild sedation is usually applied, the nose and surrounding area will be numb; You will be awake during the surgery, but you will have a comfortable and painless operation. In general anesthesia, you will sleep throughout the surgery.
Rhinoplasty Surgery
Aesthetic nose surgery usually takes an hour or two. During the operation, the skin of the nose will be separated from the bone and cartilage roof. The reshaping process of the nose will vary depending on the problem present in the nose and the technique applied by the surgeon. Finally, the skin will be adapted on the roof created.
When the surgery is completed, a plaster splint will be applied on the nose to help the nose maintain its new shape. In order to fix the septum, which is the partition that separates the two airways in the nose, tampons or soft plastic instruments can be placed in the nose.
During the first 24 hours after your surgery, you will feel your face swollen, your nose may be ache or you may have a mild headache. You can control any discomfort with pain medication prescribed by your surgeon. Except to go to the toilet for the first day, plan to lie in bed with your head high.
You will notice that the bruising and swelling around your eyes will become most noticeable after 2 or 3 days. Cold compress application will reduce this swelling and make you feel a little better.
Most of the swelling and bruises will disappear within the first week or more. (Some small swelling that no one but you and your surgeon notices will remain for several months).
During the first few days after surgery, there will usually be a very slight leak from the nostrils and you may feel a slight stuffiness in your nose for several weeks.
Your surgeon will ask you not to wipe your nose for a week or longer during the healing period of the tissues. If there is a tampon in the nose, it will be removed after a few days and you will feel much more comfortable. Towards the end of the first week, all dressings and plaster splint on your nose will be removed.
Return to Normal
Most of the patients who have aesthetic nose surgery get up and walk around within two days and can return to school or work that is not very strenuous one week after the surgery.
However, it will take a few weeks before you can fully return to your daily life. Generally, it is important to avoid high-effort movements (running, swimming, gymnastics, sex – any movement that will increase your blood pressure) for two to three weeks and protect your nose from bumps or knocks for 8 weeks. Be delicate and careful when washing your face and hair or applying makeup.
You can wear your contact lenses when needed, but the situation is different for glasses. After removing the splint on your nose, the eyeglasses feet should not sit on the back of the nose until your nose is completely healed, that is, for two months.
We will check you weekly online interviews within 1 month after surgery to check your recovery. Do not hesitate to call us if you have any unusual complaints or questions about what to do or not to do during this process.
Your New Look
It is easy to forget that you will look better and become more beautiful when your face is swollen in the days following the surgery. After plastic surgery, most of the patients feel unwell for a while, this is quite normal and understandable. A group of patients are sure that this phase will pass. As the day goes on, your nose will start to look more beautiful and your morale will gradually rise. After a week or two, you will no longer look like you just had surgery. However, recovery is still a slow and gradual process.
Some swelling, especially at the tip of the nose, may persist for months. The real result of aesthetic nose surgery will not be revealed for a year or more. At first, you may get some unexpected reactions from family or friends. They may say they don’t see a change in your nose. Or, they may be a little offended, especially if you changed something they see as a family or ethnic trait. If this happens, try to remember why you decided to have this surgery in the first place. If you have reached your goal, your surgery has also been successful.